He wouldn't lie if asked, that he looked forward to these days. Now.
It started the moment he woke up as--himself. On a monday
Ever since that first morning, Tony looked forward to the days where he didn't need to be so Ned. He could dress more like himself, he didn't have to take so much care taking one of the suits out for a spin. It didn't mean it was any easier. He still didn't know why he seemed to be stuck in this dual existence, what purpose it served the powers that were to keep them in this strange city that he damn well knew hadn't existed for most of the time he'd been in Boston. He still didn't understand how the actual city of Boston managed to just forget everything that had happened over that last few years: the outbursts of violence, the strange behavior of a good chunk of it
Nullam suscipit turpis vitae consequat dapibus. Sed bibendum congue eros volutpat scelerisque. Duis tincidunt nisl sed magna mollis congue. Curabitur in laoreet ante. Praesent ac iaculis ligula. Suspendisse vel orci lacinia, gravida tortor vel, faucibus tortor. Nullam convallis faucibus tristique. Praesent malesuada semper urna at vehicula.
Praesent imperdiet, nisl nec rhoncus porta, augue nisi cursus urna, id aliquam sem est rutrum lectus. Suspendisse vitae aliquet massa. Proin nec nulla purus. Aliquam sem odio, sollicitudin vitae lectus id, lobortis egestas nulla. Quisque pharetra varius aliquet. Aenean quis felis sed felis pulvinar sollicitudin posuere vel ante. Aliquam malesuada finibus velit, sit amet cursus leo suscipit vitae. Maecenas vitae dolor metus. Sed vulputate suscipit nibh faucibus vehicula. Morbi feugiat diam nec arcu porta, vel aliquam justo eleifend. Sed dictum neque ac cursus volutpat. Praesent commodo congue lorem, sed varius tellus dapibus vel. Sed hendrerit pulvinar orci. Curabitur non orci nunc. Vestibulum quis mi condimentum, tristique neque a, rutrum diam.